MTA has its own bunting production machines and can offer you a complete “One-Stop” bunting design, printing, licensing and installation with the lowest price.
“One-Stop” Bunting Design, Printing, Licensing and Installation Services

Banners and buntings are effective outdoor advertising mediums that can be placed strategically to attract the attention of a specific target audience. Example: Banner buntings placed at strategically selected road junctions, lamp posts and on bunting stands in exhibition areas and trade shows are effective ways to use buntings.
MTA has its own bunting production machines and can offer you a complete “One-Stop” bunting design, printing, licensing with local authorities and bunting installation services.
We have the ability to implement a targeted bunting-driven advertising campaign throughout Malaysia, such as the placement of ‘College Advertisement’ buntings on lamp posts fronting the roads of secondary schools across Malaysia.